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Friday, 22 July 2011


The student protests that are occurring this year have been very consistent. I think that the state has all its education (primary, secondary and college or university) in bad conditions. Although, some faculties of the state escape from these bad conditions, because their deans and students allow the entrance of the private sector for their profit, however the others faculties, more utopian, have refused this type of improvement and development and have sunk into a circle of resentment towards society and people's heads, hoping to change the paradigms that are established. 
I think the problem of public education is an important issue because, as may be possible that Chile wants to become a developed and important country in the world if their public education is poor in quality on the primary and secondary. The public university education is still good and with international recognized but if the state doesn´t do nothing to return more competitive the public university education, compared with the best universities of the world and not with the private country sector, our public university have the risk to become so bad like the actual primary and secondary public education. Chile is not entitled to be called developed country or belonging to the OCDE. 
People who are in the state has a serious confusion to say that most poor people are studying in private university education, because they include technical schools. And the problem is not help the poor people, is that it´s ridiculous that state give money or help private institution because it have a social roll on the country, I think that if the university or technical education is not a business they are destined to disappears, but if the state help him, there be create the problem that now exist a expensive education with a lot of professional on the country. The education cannot be regulated by the market, the state has to regulate and should not make it profitable for private education, it´s ridiculous that the state give money to some privates institution to make it profitable. Must be exist a successful policy of developing country and include private entities but not funded.     

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Interesting opinion, I am completely agree that public univerties today are doing nothing to become more competitive and good as other institutions in the world...
